May Madness

It’s May . . . the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and moms everywhere are FREAKING OUT BECAUSE THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO. 

There’s teacher appreciation. Then Mother’s Day. My kids are both “graduating” from 5th and 8th grade. That means there are picnics and car parades and end of school parties and field trips. I actually counted how many things on our calendar for May are things that only happen in May. It’s 18. EIGHTEEN EXTRA THINGS. 

I’m great at saying no when I don’t want to do things. But these things are either must-do school events, or things I WANT to do, like appreciating my kids’ teachers, and helping with school projects, and celebrating my mama. 

So here we are on May 3rd with the regular stuff +18 May things. We are at max capacity over here. If you’re in the same boat, here’s what I recommend:


Gather It Up. Take a minute and read all of those emails. Every school paper. Check all of the calendars. Make a whole list of the May things. Now that you’ve got the full picture, stare it in the face. 


Remove Stuff. For example, I moved two optional doctor’s appointments to June. Remember, you don’t have to volunteer for everything, nor do you have to say “yes”. 


Simplify Everything. Put your time and effort into sincere thank you notes, and give everyone a starbucks gift card. Order the pizza. Buy it on Amazon instead of running errands. 


Enjoy It! Now that you’ve gathered your list, scrubbed it clean, and made it as simple as possible, enjoy May. Acknowledge that it’s busier than usual, but that you can still enjoy it. Breathe. Be present. Call me if you need help.

PS This same strategy works for the holidays and back to school, too. If you feel like you just can't catch up with life, reach out to me. I can help. The first step is a discovery call, which you can book here.