How to Decide

Remember the story of the Princess and the Pea? A Prince wants to marry a real Princess, so in order to test her real princess-ness he requests that she sleep on a stack of 20 mattresses. If she’s a real princess, she will notice the pea at the bottom of the mattress stack, because obviously only a REAL princess can feel the pea. 

 When you need to make a decision, the decision is like the pea. And you’re always a real princess. That pea is under there. But sometimes there are so many “mattresses” layered on top that we can’t feel the answer. Often you’re sitting on top of 

🛏️the “what will other people think” layer 

🛏️the “what if it’s the wrong choice” layer 

🛏️the “I’ve never done it before so I don’t know how and might mess up” layer

🛏️the “I could never come up with the money/nerve to do it” layer


This causes you to spend months or years in indecision. 


My answer to this problem is NOT “just do it”. It’s worthwhile to investigate the layers to get to the pea. When you coach with me, we’ll take them one at a time.


You’ll come to a decision that you feel great about, and have the skills to make any decision going forward. 


Over time, I’ve helped clients decide to quit a job, stay at a job, start a business, start a relationship, get divorced, set boundaries, end a friendship, move to a new city, move back home, start living a healthy lifestyle, stop catering to a tough boss . . . the list goes on. It doesn’t matter what the decision is, it just matters that you can figure out what you truly want, and then do that thing.


The first step is to make the small decision to set up a discovery call with me to find out more about coaching. I can help.