This is the real me.

Hello!  It’s been a while since I introduced myself, so today I am sharing 17 random facts with you. Seventeen is my favorite number because that was my soccer number back in the day. But I’m not counting that as a fact. 

  1. Having coffee in a boat on the lake on a cool morning is my version of paradise. 

  2. During the week, I get up early and do a million things (workout, journal, get ready, take my kids places, then start work!) I am an energizer bunny until about 3 pm at which time I fall down face first on my bed to rest and meditate.

  3. I’ve been to all 50 states. Utah is my fave. 

  4. When I tell people I’m a Life Coach, they sometimes ask if my life is perfect and/or if being a life just means telling people what to do with their life (no, and no - I help my clients figure out what THEY want and my life is not at all perfect!) 

  5. I never close drawers or cabinets when I open them. I am always surprised when I walk back into a room and wonder who left my drawer open, until I realize it was me. 

  6. I’m a single mom and my kids are both adopted 💙💗

  7. My favorite thing about being a Life Coach is when I see a client have a “lightbulb” moment and begin to change their own life. That little shift is the beginning of so many great things. 

  8. I don’t really like math but I love statistics. Statistics is math trying to tell us a story. 

  9. I take notes during my client sessions, but I don’t even think I need to. I have a knack for remembering everything people tell me. (Don’t ask me where my keys are, though!) 

  10. The hardest part about leaving my 20 year corporate job was my fear about what other people would think about me changing careers. It was intimidating to start over. And so worth it. (I still miss my co-workers, though - they were the best!) 

  11. I love cars and have owned 19 so far. I am a suburban soccer mom who drives a Porsche. It just makes sense. 

  12. I love art, especially abstract paintings with a lot of color. If you’ve ever done a zoom with me, you’ve seen one of my favorite pieces. 

  13. I am constantly redecorating my house. It’s never the same place twice! 

  14. I used to do just about anything to avoid feeling bad/sad in any way. I also used to be a people pleaser. Now I feel all the feels and am great at saying no. (Thanks, life coaching!)

  15. I am great at directions but not street names. I just know how to get there. 

  16. I am good at making salads, soups and friend groups. I have a knack for knowing what will go together well. 

  17. I  coach clients 1 on 1. If you’re tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I’d love to help you. The first step is to set up a free discovery call to learn more about coaching. 

