Summer Goals 5 and 6

Adventure #5 was a bust. Both kids were sick, as was my mom. Our day was spent getting antibiotics and popsicles to treat strep throat. We all give this adventure a 1/10, would not recommend. But it wasn’t too bad to lay low and watch movies in bed. 💗

Adventure 6 of 12, though, was great! Josie was out of town on her own adventure at my sister’s house, so Oliver and I headed to the racetrack again. This time, he competed in a junior go-kart race. It was so cool, and super legit. They had a qualifying round to determine the starting order. The karts tracked lap speed. There were spin outs and crashes and everything! Oliver was the only first time racer, so he was mostly just learning the ropes. Learning them while going like 55 mph! He had a blast.

For local St. Louisians - there is a Monday night league that races every week in the summer. It was super cool that the go kart track is inside the race track used for NASCAR and other races.