Putting herself first, for the first time

When my client Jane first started working with me, she felt stressed every minute of every day. She felt trapped by her life. Everything seemed out of her control, including her kids.  


In our work together, we discovered that Jane’s natural instinct was to try to keep the peace and be liked by others. This people-pleasing habit started in childhood and had been with her ever since. Unfortunately this meant that Jane always put herself last. 


When Jane realized that these old habits were the cause of her stress and overwhelm, she chose these new thoughts and got to work on believing them: 


💭I’m in charge and I can choose 

💭I’m the mom and I get to decide

💭It’s not my job to help everyone, fix everyone, or save anyone in any way


Jane started using these new thoughts before her interactions with her family, friends and even strangers. Seeing herself in a new way helped her stop people-pleasing and start doing what was best for her. 


By the end of our 6 months together, here’s what changed: 

⭐Jane felt confident and certain that she was doing a great job guiding her kids. 

⭐She realized that other people’s problems are none of her business, and that she didn’t need to fix anyone. 

⭐Jane’s stress level went from a 10/10 to a 3/10.

⭐She no longer felt caught up in other people’s emotions. She stopped worrying about what people think about her. 


Jane feels so much better, and the best part is that her new outlook and skills will last forever! 


PS If you’re ready to stop people pleasing and start putting yourself first (yes, I’m talking to you - especially if you’re shaking your head “yes” while also cringing). I can help you.  Set up a discovery call with me to talk about how you can get these results, too.