Seasonal Overwhelm

There are three times during the year where I notice I’m most likely to feel overwhelmed. 


  1. When school is end ending/over.

  2. When school is starting again.

  3. The holidays which also include school being out and back in


It seems like five minutes ago I was writing about #1, but here we are back in #2 already! 


If you’re like me and experience Seasonal Overwhelm, here are some quick reminders: 


⏲️Keep what works: When things feel busiest, it’s MOST important to stick to the routines that already work for you. Our brains like to know what’s coming next. Do the things that already make you feel calm and organized every day. Go to the gym, prep your meals (or buy them), call your sister, get some sleep. 


📒For everything “extra” for this season, gather up allllll of the info and write it all down. For me, this was calendars and emails and mailers from 2 different schools. Once you get it all in one place, you’ll have the peace of seeing the full picture. And seeing what overlaps. 


❌Decide what’s essential and what’s not. Take some things off your list. Say no. 


⏳Remember that this is temporary. Everything is. Soon, everyone’s school schedule will just be a part of the family routine. The adjustment period will be over before you know it. 


I’ll send out this reminder again around Thanksgiving :)


PS Is saying “No” hard for you? Was that the part of this email that made you feel uncomfortable? If so, I can help. Saying no is an essential part of creating a calm and intentional life. It’s a skill that anyone can learn. I’d love to teach you. Schedule a discovery call with me if you’re interested in learning more about 1 on 1 coaching.