Being a control freak is fine

I'm a bit of a control freak, how about you?


Being a control freak can be really beneficial, actually. But, there's a catch. You have to be a control freak ONLY over things that are you in your control. Not other people.


Let’s say you want a better relationship with your spouse. Your first thought might be "I would be happier if he/she paid more attention to me". But you can't control that. You CAN control how much attention you pay to your spouse, though.


To improve your relationship, start by making a list of actions you can take that are entirely in your control. For example:  



🎯Ask your spouse how they are doing and listen to the answer

🎯Make a list of things you love about your spouse 

 🎯Write them a note once a week to tell them one of those favorite things 

🎯Plan a trip out of town and invite your spouse to go with you 

🎯Hug your spouse at least once a day

🎯Tell your kids something you love about their mom/dad 

🎯Take care of yourself so that you feel good about YOU. For example: get enough sleep, enough alone time, eat well, workout - whatever it is that makes YOU feel good about YOU. 


(If your thought about that list is “I wish my spouse would do that for me!” Just remember - that’s out of your control. You can only add things to the list that YOU can do.)

Be a control freak over what you can control, not other people. I promise you'll be happier and get better results, too.