Quitting Ahead of Time

Let’s say you have an idea, something you’d like to do to change your life for the better. Maybe it's something big - like starting a new business. Maybe it's small - like starting a gratitude journal.

Next, you get excited.

Then, you start thinking through the details. Inevitably, you’ll have thoughts like “there's no way you can do it without making a mistake” and “you don't even know all of the steps to take”.

Then, you freeze and don't actually get started at all. Because if you don't know the exact path, and you might make a mistake, it's a no-go.

And there you have it, quitting ahead of time.

This happens often to people with perfectionist tendencies (takes one to know one!), and it's because when we are afraid we might do it wrong, the shame of "messing up" (even the idea that you might) can be paralyzing.

The key to moving forward on your great idea is just to take the next tiny step. Just one. If you want to start a business, maybe your next step is to daydream about what it would be. Then the next tiny step could be writing that down. If any action feels so big you want to quit, just make that action smaller and smaller until it feels doable.

This is how you get traction, and start moving. Don’t quit ahead on your great idea!

PS Of course, the best way to keep going on changes you want to make is to get a coach to help you manage your mind and keep you accountable. Want to chat? Set up a time here