You're doing an awesome job

I often hear “confessions” from women about how they feel like a horrible mom. When I inquire about what has happened, it’s often something like: 

🚩My laundry pile is big enough to jump in and I’m pretty sure someone wore dirty socks to school today. 

🚩I forgot to sign and send in the paper that was due at school today, and also I have no idea where said paper is. 

🚩I flipped out and yelled “get your sh*t and get on that bus!” to my daughter whom I had gently encouraged not to be late 17 times. (It’s me 🙋🏻‍♀️. Hi. That one was me.) 

🚩I completely ignored my kids all night because I had to finish a presentation for work before tomorrow. 

🚩I completely ignored my kids all night because I just couldn’t handle it and I watched TikToks for hours instead.

🚩I washed, folded and put away all of the laundry but my son wore the one pair of pants that are too short and have a hole. 

🚩I didn’t go to the Valentine’s party at school and my child was sad. 

🚩I went to the Valentine’s party at school and my child acted ridiculous and I was embarrassed.  

The problem with these confessions is that they feel so BIG. So important. 

I’m here to remind you - they aren’t. 

Think about your momming as a love cupcake. Not just any cupcake, but the best cupcake in your favorite flavor, covered in the most delicious frosting with hundreds of sprinkles on top. When you “mess up”, it’s like taking one sprinkle off the love cupcake. Sure, you feel a little bad, but when you look at the cupcake, you don’t even notice the missing sprinkle because there’s this whole, delicious, amazing cupcake. Plus, every morning when you wake up, there's a fresh batch of sprinkles on top for a new day. 

YOU’RE DOING AWESOME. We all lose some sprinkles every now and then. Focus on the cupcake.

PS If you’re sick of negative self talk, I can help. To set up a complimentary discovery session to learn more about coaching, click here.

PPS I’m suddenly craving a cupcake! Lemon with cream cheese frosting. 🍋