My to don’t list

I have exciting news - I am working on releasing my very own podcast! The first episode of the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast will drop on April 24th. I have been planning this in my mind for years, and working on it has been so much fun.

In fact, I love working on the podcast so much that I found myself wanting to work over the weekend. We didn’t have much planned and were just relaxing around the house. I almost got up and went to my office when I remembered . . . I don’t work on weekends. I reminded myself of my “to DON’T” list and went back to reading a book on the couch.

Here’s the rest of my To Don’t list:

⛔Don’t use my phone first thing in the morning (win = I am more focused on my mindset and my kids in the morning)

⛔Don’t walk my dog (win = she didn’t like walks anyway and we have a fenced-in yard)

⛔Don’t wear or buy anything that is uncomfortable (savings = money and time)

⛔Don’t worry about what other people think (savings = HOURS of time)

⛔Don’t cook dinner every night (win = I stopped feeling guilty every time I didn’t cook when I decided this. I cook sometimes. Sometimes we have cereal. It’s fine.)

⛔Don’t workout every day (win = the workouts I do are better and I have more energy when I workout 3-4 days instead.)

⛔Don’t spend time with people I don’t truly enjoy. This rule even made me get a new dentist!

Imagine the hours and hours I’ve saved from not doing things! I’d love to hear what’s on your “to don’t” list. If you don’t already have one, write one now!

PS The whole podcast launch is scheduled out week by week, I know exactly what I’m doing next, and I have the time built into my schedule to finish on time. I have created a life where I can get things done and also enjoy relaxing. I’ve also helped a ton of clients do the same thing. If you want to stop working on weekends and enjoy relaxing - coach with me! Here’s a link to set up a free consultation