The first 10 minutes

The first 10 minutes you’re awake in the morning is kinda magic (official scientific term = theta & alpha brain waves).

During that time, your brain is in a relaxed, day-dreamy, creative state. You have a ton of potential for creative thinking and planning your day.

Most of us (my former self included) spend this special time scrolling Instagram to see what the girl we sat next to in 6th grade had for dinner last night. Or maybe you jump right into your work calendar and emails, ensuring that the magic morning time is spent in anxiety or panic about the day.

Instead, spend the that first 10 minutes doing this quick morning routine

I designed it to include just what you need to take advantage of the morning magic and set your day up for success.

You’ll discover what's on your mind, take a moment for gratitude, do some mindful breathing, and choose a mantra for the day. 

This worksheet has been downloaded over 3,000 times and I have gotten a ton of positive feedback about how well it works. I guarantee that if you try it for a week, you will feel better. I’d offer you a money back guarantee, but it’s already free! Grab it here

Enjoy your magical 10 minutes and let me know how it goes!  

PS I coach overwhelmed working women on how to create calm, intentional lives. If you are interested in coaching with me, the first step is to set up a free discovery session. On that call, you’ll tell me about your life, and I’ll tell you about coaching. At the end, we’ll decide if we’re a good fit to work together.