Lucky girl syndrome 🍀

When I first started dating Handsome Man Friend, he would always chuckle when I’d say “I’ll use my Michelle Luck to get us a parking spot” or “we won’t miss our flight, I have good luck." He said he’d never known anyone who just declared that they have good luck in life.

Imagine my delight when I recently discovered that Lucky Girl Syndrome is a thing! Lucky Girl Syndrome, according to TikTok (the source of all truth, obviously) is the belief that “positive mantras and a positive mindset in life will bend every day events in your favor.

Roll your eyes if you want, but this stuff works.

My coaching is based on the concept that our thoughts always create our results. The first step to changing anything in your life is changing the way you think about it. If you want a new job, a thought like “I hate my job” ensures you’ll keep hating it and be stuck. Shifting to “The perfect job is out there waiting for me and I’m open to finding it” will get the universe, and YOU, moving in the right direction.

Your thoughts are the most powerful tool in your toolbox. Give Lucky Girl Syndrome a try! The worst that can happen is that you don’t get a good parking spot, but at least you were in a good mood while you looked. (And I’ll be honest, you’re totally going to score a good spot.)

Here are a couple of affirmations you can try:

🍀 I am so lucky.
🍀 I am always at the right place at the right time.
🍀 Everything will work out for me, it always does.

Repeat those out loud as often as you can, and see what happens!

PS I help my clients change their thinking and their luck!  Set up a free consultation with me to learn more about 1 on 1 coaching.