My daughter is bored

My daughter walked into my office on a summer morning to let me know she was bored and annoyed about it. She was bored AT me.

My immediate response was to try to solve this for her, by suggesting she invite a friend over, or go to the pool, or see what her brother is up to. All of these are terrible ideas, of course.

But here’s what I needed to remember:

🚑 Her boredom is not an emergency.

⛔ I don’t have to solve this problem.

🙂 I don’t have to change my mood to match hers.

She can be annoyed and bored and I can be content and productive. In the same room at the same time.

This works the same for a cranky spouse, the guy who flipped you off in traffic, or your ever-impatient boss.

🚑 Their bad mood is not an emergency.

⛔ You don’t have to solve their problem.

🙂 You don’t need to change your mood to match theirs.

Enjoy the freedom this mindset brings!

PS Find yourself getting caught up in other people’s moods and thoughts? Come and coach with me - I can help. Set up a (free) session with me to learn more!