The best day of my life

On July 5, 2007, I got a call that would change my life forever. A baby boy had been born two days prior, and his birth parents had chosen us to adopt him. Could we come and pick him up? Tonight?

OF COURSE WE CAN. Who cares if we don’t have a car seat or a crib or a clue about how to care for a newborn! We’ll be there!

And thus began the best thing that ever happened to me - being a mom.


When you look at this photo of me in the hospital bed with our son, you can see I am full of joy.

But what you don’t see is everything that led up to it:

The days, months, and YEARS of feeling sad about not having kids

Hundreds of doctor’s appointments and specialists and needles

Crazy amounts of money spent on IVF and other procedures

Crying after having to smile my way through yet another friend’s baby shower

Believing I was the only woman on earth who couldn’t get pregnant and feeling so alone

And then one day, on July 5, 2007, there was the answer. MY baby, my family, my everything right there in my arms.

Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes it sucks for a long time before it gets better. But then one day everything you’ve been dreaming of shows up, maybe in a totally different way than you expected or requested.

Your miracle might be right around the corner. Hang in there. Keep going.

PS If life is feeling hard and you know something's gotta give, I can help. Set up a (free) session with me to learn about coaching!