Little, epic wins πŸ†

My clients get awesome, life-changing results.

They quit jobs, start businesses, repair relationships, and start feeling truly calm (often for the first time).

But some of my very favorite results are the subtle yet monumental changes my clients text me about on a random Tuesday:

🏫 β€œI just walked to get my kids from school because I had the time and wanted to.”

πŸ₯ͺ β€œI ate my lunch outside today, and for the first time didn’t worry that the neighbors might think I should be working instead of taking a break.”

πŸ’… β€œLook at my pretty nails, I got a manicure and a latte by myself and didn’t feel guilty at all about leaving my family at home.”

πŸ“ˆ β€œMy boss made a crappy comment in a meeting today and I just watched it sail by without reacting. It’s working!”

Little wins, huge impact.

Whatcha waiting for?

PS Ready to start racking up wins of your own? Set up a (free) discovery session with me to learn about coaching and let's get going!

Michelle Gauthier