
Midsummer: That point in the summer when the shine has worn off, you aren’t sure what day it is (or who goes to what camp), and the hot weather makes you angry instead of excited like it did a month ago. The kids are bored, and there are many (many) weeks until school starts again, and it seems like all you do in your spare time is drive your kids places. 

What to do? 

1️⃣ Acknowledge it. Notice that you are feeling irritated when your “don’t come in my office when I’m on a call” rule is broken for the 4th time today. It’s ok to feel worn out, annoyed, and short tempered. 

2️⃣ Give yourself credit. You are managing a lot. The schedule-ness of a regular school day sounds like a dream compared to the “figure out every week (or day!)” of summer. Imagine how many dirty dishes won’t be in your sink when school starts! Just give yourself credit for managing the job you do all year long plus the extra that summer brings. 

3️⃣ Do something for you. Even if it’s just 30 minutes - set up a facetime date with a friend who will understand, read a book, watch a show with your bedroom door locked - whatever it takes to get a moment of peace. 

Also? This is a great time to start coaching with me! If you’ve been considering it, now is the perfect time. You’ll head into the fall feeling calm, cool and collected. Schedule a consultation with me here

PS Just wanted to remind you about the upcoming speaker series that I’m a part of called Anxiety Relief Summit. It will be a really cool event with speakers from all over the world, from different backgrounds, with different traditions and approaches to helping anxiety. It’s free and you can register here