When It’s Too Late To Change

I just realized that in the month of January, I've worked out 4 times. Total. Ideally, I'd work out 4 times a week. My mind started making excuses and justifications, and also telling me to GET ON IT and hit the gym more.

But in reality, 4 times is . . . FOUR times. It's better than nothing. It doesn't mean that I'm doomed for the year. It doesn't mean that all of my plans for the year are ruined. It doesn't mean that I'm unmotivated or unable to stick to routines. It just means that I've worked out 4 times. I took a pause from my regular routine, and I can hit play anytime I want.

If you haven't even started on your January plans, or have "already failed" at your new year's resolutions, it's fine. Let yourself off the hook. You can start on January 27th or March 8th or whatever day you want.

It's never too late!

PS Focusing on what you did get done can help you feel motivated and confident, but focusing on what you didn't do just brings frustration and negativity. I know how I'd rather feel - how about you?