Stuck in a Loop of Overwhelm

When I was in 11th grade I got to be on a commercial for The Ninja, the newest, fastest roller coaster at our local Six Flags.

It was the loop-de-loop kind, the type that goes upside down and has corkscrew turns - all at a high rate of speed.

The crew was filming us riding the ride, so we had to ride it about 26 times in a row, without ever stopping or even slowing down. We’d just zoom through the on/off area and start again.

At first it was so exciting! Then I started feeling a little beat up as my head banged back and forth on the sharp turns. By the end, I was about to throw up, and just wanted to get off the ride and never ride a roller coaster again.

This is how it can feel to ride the rollercoaster of overwhelm and stress. You start by doing something you thought was exciting, and then over time feel a little beat up, and finally just want to throw up and get off the ride. But you just can’t. People are counting on you! This is important!

But, actually, you CAN get off the ride. I did. All of my clients have. It’s much better here on solid ground with no loop-de-loops. Come and join us. I’ll teach you exactly how, step by step.

PS I looked up how fast this “super fast” coaster went. It’s 55 MPH. The current fastest roller coaster in the US goes 128 MPH. Life just keeps getting faster and faster, without getting better and better.