When Life Gives You Lemon Zest

Earlier this week I was zesting a lemon (as one does) and I accidentally zested my thumb. ๐Ÿคฎ

It wasnโ€™t a major injury but let me tell you, there are many things that are hard to do with a half working thumb. Like buttoning jeans, typing a โ€œspaceโ€ when youโ€™re writing an email, or turning up your phone volume - just to name a few. 

I decided that it was the perfect time for some thumb gratitude. Thumbs are awesome. Imagine trying to hold a cup without one. Or use a smartphone! Or write with a pen. Our lives would be so different if we didnโ€™t have these little guys helping us out.

Take a moment to appreciate your thumbs today. 

PS  This type of thinking is called gap vs. gain. When you have two ways to think about something - to complain or to appreciate - appreciating always makes us feel better. The thumb situation is a small example, but this line of thinking is a big part of my coaching and can quite literally change your life. If you want to start feeling more grateful and better about what you do have, reach out to me and letโ€™s talk about 1 on 1 coaching. 

PPS  If you want to hear more about this type of thinking - check out this podcast episode