My Story - From Chaos to Calm

Hi, I'm Michelle. If you saw My Story on my coaching site, you'll know that I call myself a recovering over achiever who thrived on being "crazy busy" and prided myself on doing 6 million things per day.

This used to be my typical day. Does your day ever look like this?


First thought in the morning:

Good morning world! Should have gotten more sleep. No idea how I will ever accomplish all of the things on my list today! But there must be a way, let's give it a try! Must have coffee.


Uhhhhh it's already lunchtime. I've been running like crazy all day but what have I really done? Answered 78 emails that just caused me to get 100 more? Also, what am I going to make for dinner? Does anyone have soccer practice tonight? Need to check that. And lead 4 conference calls.


Ok breakfast dishes are still on the table, but I have a few more hours before dinner. Just need to do 5 hours of work in 1.5 hours and then run and get the kids at school.

Later afternoon:

Crap, I forgot I was supposed to be at a school meeting. Ok, I'll try to make that next time. Note to self: text the committee chair to apologize later.

Dinner time:

Wow I really have accomplished a lot so far today. Now if I can just finish dinner, get my kids to actually eat it, help with homework, squeeze in a quick workout, get everyone to bed on time and then have some quality time with my husband. . .


About. To. Die. But really want to catch up on that book everyone is reading and send a few emails and check tomorrow's work calendar. That way I'll feel completely anxious and won't be able to sleep.

And then start all over again the next day.

IT IS EXHAUSTING! I couldn't take it anymore.

Through the magic of life coaching, I realized that I was already "enough" and that I could create the life I truly desired. Turns out, no one was putting the pressure on me to do everything for everyone all the time. It was just me. Putting tons of pressure on myself for no reason. Don't you hate when you are to blame for your own problems!?


I realized that what I truly craved was a calm life of things I really cared about. My physical space became a metaphor for my brain - I evaluated and cleaned out every space in my home. I said "no thank you" when I didn't truly want to do something. I slowed down and was present with my family in a real way. I found myself enjoying and feeling gratitude for something as small as folding my daughter's shirt . . . from "why is there always so much laundry!! Why does she have a white uniform shirt? Why does she get stains on it EVERY DAY" to "I am so grateful to have a washer and dryer and to be her mom who has the privilege to fold her little uniform shirt from a school I absolutely love." The beauty of this shift is that is all happened inside me, without any external changes. My daughter didn't stop climbing trees and playing in mud in her white shirt, only my thoughts changed!

I was so inspired by the changes life coaching brought to my life that I decided to quit my job and become a Life Coach myself. I am a truly happy person, living a life I have intentionally chosen. That does not mean it's free of troubles, not at all, but it does mean I make choices to feel grateful, peaceful, and happy every day.

If your life feels "crazy busy" and you are looking for relief, set up a free 20-minute session to chat with me. I promise there is a better way.