Future Vision


When I was about 20, I had a dream for myself as a “grown up.” It always included making enough money to buy suits at Ann Taylor or The Limited, which I considered to be the height of business-woman chic. I’d live in a big brick house, have a handsome husband and darling kids who never ate french fries in the car. I’d see my best friends all the time and run marathons for fun. I’d be able to have a big career AND be the room mom. 

It turns out that I actually did most of those things. (Except the french fries part, my kids did/do eat in my car and I’m often mortified at school drop off when the teacher opens the door and looks into my backseat at the disaster!) But I don’t want most of those things anymore. I mean, The Limited is out of business and I don’t even own a suit. I shop at Lululemon and Athleta and Target for my “work clothes.” I live in a small brick house that is full of color and art and love. There’s no way this single mom business owner would make the time to train for a marathon, but I can rock a 30 minute workout on my Peloton a couple times a week.

My point is, life changes. Goals change. Our future plans change. When is the last time you stopped to assess if your future goals were the right ones for you NOW, based on your current life? 

Are you still shopping at the The Limited but living an Athleta life, so to speak?

If so, give yourself the time and space and gift of looking at 2020 before it starts. Make some new future plans. Make them in alignment with your current self. Join my Warm and Cozy Guide to a Simple 2020 to do just that. It’s a $149 investment that you won’t regret, I promise. 

Here’s what you’ll get as part of the class

  • A moment (several, actually) to reconnect with yourself. I’ll guide you through remembering or discovering what you truly desire. 

  • A chance to let go of what isn’t working. A lesson on how to say “no” without guilt. 

  • A plan, created by you, to have the best year yet. Your plan will include your intention for the year, the areas you want to focus on, and a strategy for how you’ll manage your time. 

Here are the details about when we meet: 

  • This class is online and will be live for one hour via video on Wednesdays at noon CST. Dates are Dec 11, Dec 18, Jan 8, and Jan 15. All sessions are recorded, so if you can’t make the live session(s), you can still participate. 

Hope to see you there!

Planning, InspirationGuest User