Just say NO!


It’s Friday night, and you’ve just arrived home for the evening after getting to work early to catch up before the weekend. You skipped lunch because the day was so jam packed. You’re starving, worn out, and just want to change into PJs and watch some Netflix with a glass of wine. 

You walk past the pile of mail and papers from week, vowing to tackle it this weekend. Your family is hungry, but making dinner is the last thing on earth you want to do. Your friends texted that they are going out to happy hour but there’s no way you have the energy for that. 

How did you get here?! 

By saying yes to too many things. Every time you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else. 

Saying yes to skipping lunch says no to self care, and energy to be productive in the afternoon.

Saying yes to letting papers pile up is saying no to a peaceful feeling when you walk in the room. 

Saying yes to way more things that you can accomplish in a day is saying no to time with friends. 

Take some time this weekend and think of one small thing you can say no to, and remove from your life. 

Get out your calendar and pick something to remove. Open your kitchen drawer and choose your favorite spatula from the 3 in your drawer, and give away the rest. Pull open your freezer and throw away the empty box that someone left in there after taking the last popsicle. Throw away socks that have holes in them. Delete some emails. 

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Removing one small thing from your life will help you notice what things you CAN get rid of. Heck, it might start an avalanche of getting rid of things. Reply back and let me know what you did! 

PS: I offer a coaching package called “90 Days to a Calmer Life.” I work with a limited number of 1 on 1 clients. If you’re interested in applying, book a free coaching session with me to find out more.