Why I Cried on the Plane Home from France

I’ve just arrived home after a 16-day trip to Europe with my kids. As the plane was taking off for home from Nice, France, I shed real tears.

I was crying because I’d had SO MUCH fun.

I was crying because I am (now, wasn’t before) a person who could enjoy a trip of a lifetime like this. I was able to be present. I didn’t think about work. I didn’t focus on my broken refrigerator at home. I was just there, with my kids, watching them experience Europe for the first time.

This was a bucket list item for me, and has been on my vision board for a couple years. I worked on my thoughts to believe it was possible. 

In February, I bought the plane tickets, which made me feel committed to making this happen. 

I planned my work schedule for the year around being gone - I recorded podcasts ahead of time and made sure my clients were all set. 

I didn’t worry about what other people thought. 

If a worry came up about me traveling alone with my kids abroad, I simply let it go, knowing we would be just fine. 

I planned an itinerary (I do love a plan!) but left space to rest and change it if needed. 

I assumed my kids would fight. I assumed we would be tired and cranky sometimes. And we were! But it was easy to manage because I knew it was coming. My kids complained sometimes, but they were also super grateful and thanked me often. 

All of this freed me up to be present, not overwhelmed, and have what was truly the best trip of my life.

I am living The Good Life. I want YOU to live The Good Life. 

The Good Life doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It’s simply learning the skills to be present in life, to let go of things that don’t serve you, and to create the things you do want, instead. I can teach you each one of those skills, in bite sized pieces, so that at the end of 3 months you can create exactly what you want, too. The Good Life group coaching starts next Friday. Join me! The first step is setting up a time to talk to me right here.