Posts in Organizing
Outsource It, Baby!

I once got some very wise advice from a female executive in my former corporate world, and I never forgot it. With regards to how to do it all, she simply advised "outsource that which is not memorable." This made so much sense to me as a busy working Mom. Making chocolate chip cookies with my kids is memorable. Washing, drying, folding and putting away their clothes is not. Cooking for my family, memorable! Doing the shopping to get the required groceries, not memorable!

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Is Your Closet Trying to Tell You Something?

Imagine the feeling you get when you open your closet and it's jammed full - full of things you do like, and thing you don't like, and items that haven't fit in a long time, and things you probably don't even know you own anymore! Instead of making getting ready for the day a nice experience, it can make you want to go back to bed, or least wear pajamas all day.

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Tips for a better to do list

At the end of the day, do you ever look at your to do list and feel like a big ol' failure? I did! Even though I was working hard at everything all day, the to do list was never ever DONE. If you start the day by making an exhaustive list of to dos that never get checked off, you are likely setting yourself up for failure . . .

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