Posts in Positive Thinking
Ep #65: 3 Easy Steps to Create the Life You Want

Do you ever feel like you're running on a hamster wheel, stuck in a cycle of overwhelm and frustration?

You're not alone. Many accomplished women feel this way, not knowing how to break free from the chaos of daily life. This episode will show you how having clear goals and a defined vision can transform your life from overwhelmed to intentional and fulfilling.

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  1. How to define your ideal day and create a vision for a more satisfying life.

  2. Simple steps to appreciate what you already have. 

  3. How to take simple, practical steps to work toward the life you want, instead of feeling stuck in the life you have. 

Listen to this episode now and start your journey towards a more intentional and calm life by defining your ideal day.

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Ep #44: The Magic of Manifesting

The law of attraction says that we attract what we focus on, which is another way of saying something I've been telling my clients for years: your thoughts create your results. It's not magic (okay, it's a *little* magic) - it's something you can learn and use to improve your life. Give it a try - you've got nothing to lose!

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Ep #29: Better Self-Talk

We can't control our thoughts, so we're just stuck with them, right? Wrong.

It's true that we don't choose or control what thoughts pop into our heads, but we can decide how we respond. I've got a simple but powerful tool that will help you replace the gloom-and-doom voice in your head with a more positive one. You'll learn to catch your negative thoughts, inspect them non-judgmentally, and swap them out for better self-talk.

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Ep #10: From "Just Fine" to a Truly Fulfilling Life with Kari Kaiser

Before coaching, Kari's life was "just fine".  She was recently divorced and learning to be the sole breadwinner and single mom. She worried about money, which impacted every decision she made.

Thankfully, Kari decided "just fine" wasn't enough for her. She wanted to have "an amazing second half of life".

Kari learned to balance structure with creativity, and increased the profits of her graphic design business by 50%. She improved the relationships in her life when she stopped people pleasing. She learned to trust the universe, and choose optimism at every turn.

Don't miss this heartwarming conversation that demonstrates the transformative power of coaching and the possibility of creating not just a thriving career, but a truly fulfilling life.

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Ep #07: From Stuck to Happy with Lauren Rapaport

This week we have a guest on the podcast. I invited my friend and client Lauren Rapaport to join me because she is a shining example of how you can take your life from stuck, overwhelmed, and miserable to “the world is my oyster and I can have and create anything I want.”

In this episode, Lauren will tell you exactly how and what she did to create her new, happy life.

Sneak preview: she quit the job she hated and started a new business. She quit drinking and started feeling her feelings. She quit being in “victim mentality” and stopped beating herself up. She accepted her type 1 diabetes instead of hating it. She started loving life and having gratitude for everything.

To quote Lauren, “I am just 100% happier than I was before”.

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