Posts in Say No
Ep #61: How to Say No Effortlessly

Ever found yourself saying 'yes' to tasks you wish you had declined? 

What if you had the perfect phrases ready to say 'no' confidently and guilt-free? This episode of Overwhelmed Working Woman dives into the common struggle of overcommitting and offers practical solutions. Learn how to how to decline requests effectively to save your sanity and improve your productivity.

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  1. The 2 magic questions you can ask yourself that will totally irradicate people pleasing. 

  2. Powerful, guilt-free ways to communicate your 'no' firmly and honestly.

  3. Eleven ready-to-use phrases that can be copied and pasted into your next email to decline requests effortlessly.

Listen to this episode now and equip yourself with the tools to master the art of saying 'no' confidently and kindly.

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Ep #57: Stop People Pleasing and Save Hours of Time

 What would you do if you suddenly had 12 free hours on your calendar? 

 People pleasing costs you precious time, and if you can learn to stop, and say no up front, you can create hours of time for yourself.  Today you'll learn a proven method to break free from people pleasing so you can have a more calm, relaxed life. 

In this episode, you'll learn how to:

  1. Identify the situations that trigger people pleasing, and their hidden time costs.

  2. How the Love and Fit method can help you to confidently say no without guilt.

  3. Reclaim hours of wasted time each week, leading to a lighter mental load and less overwhelm. 

Ready to reclaim your time and break free from people-pleasing? Tune in now to discover the Love and Fit method and start saying no with ease.

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Ep #35: How to *Enjoy* the Holidays

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday season? I've got you covered.

I have three tips for you that I promise will make your holiday season more about joy and less about stress: focus on the top, drop the bottom, and curate the middle.

This strategy will save you precious time and energy that you can redirect towards doing what you actually *want* to do - whatever that top priority is for you.

Tune in and have yourself a merry little Christmas!

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Ep #21: The Downside of Being a Capable Woman

Ever found yourself buried under a mountain of responsibility simply because you're highly capable? 

Being capable is great, and in so many ways it serves us well. But when we want/need to always be the problem solver,  it can lead to overwhelm, stress, and resentment. Together, we'll explore how you can still be the powerful, capable woman you are, without succumbing to the pitfalls of doing it all.

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Ep #11: The Power of a To-Don't List

This week's episode is all about the power of a to-don't list and how it can help you simplify your life.

Join me as we dive into my own to-don't list, from refusing to wear uncomfortable clothes to setting work-life boundaries. I'll share stories about my Grandma Gauthier and her clear refusal to do any yard work or pump her own gas.

I’ll also encourage you to create your own to-don't list, and tell you exactly how. Tune in, and let's take control of our lives together by embracing the power of a to-don't list!

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Ep #09: Stop Caring What Other People Think

“Just stop caring what other people think!”

We’ve all heard that one. It’s a lot easier said than done, and that's why I'm here to help. I'll explain why we care so much about others' opinions and provide practical strategies to evaluate and overcome this tendency.

I also share a personal story about how I let my fear of failure and concern about others' judgment held me back from something I actually wanted to do.

Do you often catch yourself worrying about what others think? Whether it's in social settings or at work, it's time to break free from this cycle.

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Ep #07: From Stuck to Happy with Lauren Rapaport

This week we have a guest on the podcast. I invited my friend and client Lauren Rapaport to join me because she is a shining example of how you can take your life from stuck, overwhelmed, and miserable to “the world is my oyster and I can have and create anything I want.”

In this episode, Lauren will tell you exactly how and what she did to create her new, happy life.

Sneak preview: she quit the job she hated and started a new business. She quit drinking and started feeling her feelings. She quit being in “victim mentality” and stopped beating herself up. She accepted her type 1 diabetes instead of hating it. She started loving life and having gratitude for everything.

To quote Lauren, “I am just 100% happier than I was before”.

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Ep #06: The Art of Saying No

If you’ve ever said or thought:

💭I just don’t know how to say no 

💭I feel so guilty when I say no

💭She will be mad at me if I say no 

💭If I don’t do it, no one else will

. . . this week’s episode is for you! 

I’ll teach you the exact steps for saying no, and explain why it’s hard to do sometimes. I’ll help you evaluate what your REAL answer is, and teach you how to communicate that concisely. By the end of the episode, you’ll know the exact steps to take to say “no” when you mean it.

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