Posts in Overwhelm
Ep #76: The REAL Reason You're So Anxious - Hidden Triggers You Never Knew

Do you often feel anxious but can't quite pinpoint why? 

In this episode, you'll discover the surprising reasons behind your anxiety that you may not even be aware of. My guest, psychotherapist Marquita Myrick, explains how deeply buried experiences can unconsciously influence your mental health today.

In this episode, you'll learn:  

  1. How past experiences can shape your present-day stress and anxiety.

  2. Actionable steps to identify and manage your triggers more effectively.

  3. How to decide if a life coach or a therapist is the best fit for your personal journey.

Don’t miss this transformative episode—hit play now and start uncovering the hidden roots of your anxiety!

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Ep #75: 10 Thoughts You’re Having That Create Overwhelm - and How to Stop Them

Feeling stuck in stress and overwhelm? Your thoughts might be secretly fueling both. 

It’s easy to believe that your jam-packed schedule is the culprit behind your overwhelm. But what if it's not your workload, but rather your thoughts that are holding you back? Discover how shifting your mindset can drastically reduce your stress and help you reclaim control of your day.

By listening to this episode, you'll learn:

  1. How your thoughts are creating your overwhelm, not your to-do list. 

  2. The top 10 most common thoughts that trigger feelings of overwhelm - and what you can do to stop them.

  3. A simple process to reframe these thoughts to break the cycle of overwhelm and embrace a more peaceful, balanced life.

Press play now and learn how to transform your thoughts to overcome overwhelm and feel more in control of your life!

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Overwhelm, TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #74: Tap Into Calm - This Incredible Technique Will Instantly Reduce Overwhelm

Are you overwhelmed by stress and struggling to find effective ways to manage it? Imagine if you could neutralize your triggers and restore calm easily, and within minutes.

Today we explore the power of tapping, a neuroregulatory technique that helps reduce not just mental stress but also calms your physical body. If you're dealing with anxiety, fear, or even unexplained physical symptoms, this episode offers an approach that could transform how you handle stress and overwhelming emotions.

In this episode, you’ll learn: 

  1. How tapping can neutralize your most intense stress responses to handle any triggering situation with ease. 

  2. A tapping method you can try for yourself to reconnect your mind and body to feel less stressed. 

  3. How to use tapping to overcome fears, physical discomfort, and even improve financial abundance.

Press play now and learn how to use tapping to reduce stress and overwhelm in your life, all while gaining a powerful tool to calm your body and mind.

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Ep #73: Easily Reduce Overwhelm by Letting Go Instead of Holding On Too Tightly

Ever tried to control every little thing during a crisis, only to end up even more stressed? 

When we feel overwhelmed, it’s common to try to force a solution - only to end up feeling MORE overwhelmed. What if the best approach isn't controlling the situation, but actually doing nothing at all?

In this episode, we dive into how our natural instinct to take control in stressful situations can backfire and actually increase our overwhelm. This episode presents a fresh perspective on solving problems by letting go instead of forcing. 

When you listen, you’ll learn: 

  1. Why women often default to control in times of stress and how this can sabotage our efforts to find peace.

  2. Why forcing a solution can make you feel worse, and what to do instead. 

  3. Practical tips on how to embrace acceptance, let go of control, and find unexpected benefits in doing less.

Hit play now to uncover a new way to handle stress that could save you time, energy, and give you more peace of mind!

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Ep #71: Make Back To School Stress-Free

Are you dreading the back-to-school season because it feels like an overwhelming whirlwind of tasks and stress?

For many working moms, back-to-school time isn't just about sending the kids off; it's a major source of stress as they juggle new routines, school supplies, and countless other responsibilities. This episode dives into how you make back to school a smoother, more manageable experience.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. How to create a routine that works for YOUR family.

  2. Why realistic expectations will reduce stress during the back-to-school transition - and how to set them.

  3. How to NOT be in charge of everything and plan ahead to get everything alone.

Tune in now to start the school year on a positive, stress-free note!

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Ep #70: Can Micro-Dosing Mushrooms Cure Overwhelm and Anxiety?

What if I told you micro-dosing could be the key to escaping anxiety & overwhelm?
Whether you've heard of micro-dosing or not, it's benefits have been proven for many mental health states. In this episode, Leslie Draffin, a former news anchor, explains how micro-dosing can take you from experiencing high-stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout, to living a calm and intentional life - even when traditional therapy hasn't worked. 
 In this interesting episode, you will learn: 

  1. How psychedelics can help heal deep-rooted traumas and mental health issues.

  2. The benefits of micro-dosing to allow more 'feminine energy' into your life.  

  3.  The connection between body awareness and emotional healing to overcome burnout. 

 Listen to this episode now and start your journey toward healing and balance!

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Ep #69: These 4 Habits are Keeping You STUCK in Overwhelm

Wondering why you can't break the cycle of stress and overwhelm that you've felt stuck in for ages? 

Today I'm tackling the four habits that keep you trapped in a state of overwhelm. Whether you're a professional juggling multiple responsibilities or a parent preparing for back-to-school season, understanding these habits and how to overcome them can transform your daily life.

In this episode you'll learn: 

  1. The detrimental effects of multitasking and how to embrace single-tasking for better efficiency.

  2. The art of saying no and creating essential white space in your schedule.

  3. How to practice "gain thinking" to stop negative self talk and be more productive. 

Tune in now to gain actionable insights and start your journey toward a more balanced and stress-free life by playing this episode today.

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Ep #68: Balance Work and Life Using Thoughtful Authenticity

Is your professional life a never-ending balancing act that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and undervalued?

Today's guest has been there, and has great advice for how to manage the delicate balance of work and home. Lauren Wittenberg Weiner's story of starting with a (literal!) dumpster fire and ending up with a $100 million dollar company, while raising kids, is a must listen. 

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  1. How to apply 'thoughtful authenticity' in order to bring your real self to work without compromising professionalism.

  2. Why it's so important that as overwhelmed working women, we model authenticity to our staff and co-workers. 

  3. Practical strategies to manage overwhelm and anxiety effectively, drawn from Lauren's personal and professional experiences.

Hit play now to uncover valuable lessons on balancing career and personal life while staying true to yourself.

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Ep #66: How to FINALLY Feel Empowered

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that you could cry at the drop of a hat? 

My client Courtney did, too. In this episode, she shares her journey from feeling perpetually stressed to finding calm and balance.  If you’ve tried countless methods to reduce stress but nothing seems to stick, this conversation is a must-listen.

In this episode, you'll learn:

1. Practical strategies for managing overwhelm, including the power of changing your mindset (and what that actually means).
2. Tips for not just making but holding boundaries to create better work-life balance.
3. Why sharing your struggles and successes with a group of like-minded women is a catalyst for change. 

Tune in now to hear Courtney’s inspiring story and practical tips for transforming overwhelm into empowerment.

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Ep #65: 3 Easy Steps to Create the Life You Want

Do you ever feel like you're running on a hamster wheel, stuck in a cycle of overwhelm and frustration?

You're not alone. Many accomplished women feel this way, not knowing how to break free from the chaos of daily life. This episode will show you how having clear goals and a defined vision can transform your life from overwhelmed to intentional and fulfilling.

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  1. How to define your ideal day and create a vision for a more satisfying life.

  2. Simple steps to appreciate what you already have. 

  3. How to take simple, practical steps to work toward the life you want, instead of feeling stuck in the life you have. 

Listen to this episode now and start your journey towards a more intentional and calm life by defining your ideal day.

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Ep #63: How Shifting to a Gain Mindset Can Boost Your Success

Are you tired of feeling like you never do enough, or achieve enough?

 In this episode, you’ll discover how shifting from a "gap" mindset to a "gain" mindset can transform you from feeling beat down to feeling motivated and successful. 

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  1. A powerful technique of to boost your motivation and sense of accomplishment.

  2. Six practical ways to create a more positive mindset, starting today. 

  3. How to become more resilient, successful and happy by focusing on your gains. 

Listen to this episode now to start embracing a gain mindset and see how it can change your life today!

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Ep #60: How to Calm Your Nervous System

Ever wonder what your feelings of stress and overwhelm are doing to your body?

Today's expert, Life Coach Lauren Rapaport, explains how our nervous system reacts in times of stress and overwhelm. You'll learn how understanding your body's responses to stress can help you navigate overwhelming situations more effectively.

In this episode, you'll learn how to:

  1. Gain awareness of the four biological responses to stress, and how they manifest in daily life.

  2. Regulate your nervous system with simple techniques, including connecting with loved ones and moving your body.

  3. Regulate your nervous system with simple and effective techniques.

Tune in to this episode for valuable insights and actionable strategies to better understand and regulate your nervous system, so that you can easily shift from overwhelm to calm.

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Ep #58: Aligning Your Career with Your Authentic Self

Are you feeling overwhelmed in your career, striving for success but finding yourself perfectly miserable?

Many high achieving women, like you, have no idea that their feelings of overwhelm actually stem from their inner and outer worlds being out of alignment. In this episode, our guest Christina Langdon reveals how you can transform from burnout into a fulfilling career, and why it's easier than you may have thought. 

In this episode, you'll learn to: 

  1. Identify and address feelings of overwhelm and burnout in your career.

  2. Redefine success on your terms so you can find fulfillment in your work.

  3. Create a "user manual" for yourself, to enhance communication and alignment in professional settings.

Dive into this insightful conversation to discover practical strategies for finding fulfillment and alignment in your career.

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Ep #53: How To Clear Your Mind With This 5-Minute Mindfulness & Time Management Strategy

Are you tired of feeling like your brain is bursting at the seams? 

In today's fast-paced world, overwhelm is a common experience, leaving you feeling scattered and stuck. This episode offers a solution to the invisible mental load we carry, providing practical strategies to unload and regain focus.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • A simple technique to make your mental load visible and manageable.

  • The power of decluttering your mind to enhance productivity and reduce stress.

  • How to prioritize tasks and take actionable steps towards clarity and calm.

Ready to declutter your mind and reclaim your focus? Tune in now to learn how to transform overwhelm into productivity with practical tips you can implement today.

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Ep #52: Using New Tools to Build a New Life with Julia Pancoast

Happy 1st birthday to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast! We're celebrating all month long, with great episodes and fun giveaways.

This week's episode is an interview with a 2-time client of mine, Julia Pancoast, who learned some new tools from coaching that helped her build a new life for herself and her family. You'll hear why she decided to quit her job (and how she doubled her old salary in her new business!) by putting her family first, being diligent with her morning routine, and using an evidence journal.

And we've got an awesome t-shirt giveaway - just write us a review and then fill out this form to let us know you did it, and you'll be entered to win an exclusive Overwhelmed Working Woman t-shirt!

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Ep #51: The Calendar Clean-Out

There are only so many hours in a day. And there are only so many hours in a day that you can fill with to-dos and meetings and appointments before you exhaust yourself completely.

If you've ever tried (and failed) to fit too many tasks into too few hours, the Calendar Clean-Out is for you!

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Ep #50: Bring the Fun with Susan Hyatt

What if I told you that success doesn't have to mean working as hard as possible as often as possible? What if it could be... fun? Susan Hyatt, a best-selling author and master certified life and business coach, is here to tell you it can!

Join Susan and I for an upbeat, inspiring, fun conversation about achieving your goals without succumbing to burnout and overwhelm.

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Ep #49: Break Through Decision Fatigue

Has your computer ever been running really slowly, and you can't figure out why, and then you look and realize you have 28 tabs open? Your computer can't run well with too many things draining its processing power, and neither can you.

When you have too many things taking up space in your brain, you can feel overwhelmed and start making low-quality decisions. Some decision-making in life is inevitable, but I can help you streamline your day and make the most of your mental energy.

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Ep #47: Navigating Big Changes

Change is hard, whether it's a good change or a bad change, a planned change or a surprise change. The actions you take can make navigating the change easier or harder, and since change is already hard, let's make it a little easier, shall we?

Your change might be returning to work after maternity leave, getting a divorce, or moving to a new city, but these tips work no matter what type of change you're going through, so keep them in your back pocket.

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Ep #41: Follow Your Own Rules with Lindsay Dotzlaf

My guest today is my former coach and general beacon of calm and intentionality, Lindsay Dotzlaf.

What always impresses me about Lindsay is her lack of overwhelm, and I'm so happy she's sharing her wisdom with us! One of her keys to avoiding overwhelm is setting rules for ourselves (ie, no housework during work hours) so that we don't drown in decision making. Remember: you don't have to decide if you've already decided!

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