Ep #16: How to Change Someone

Do you ever find yourself wishing you could change someone close to you? 

Join the club! We're all getting matching shirts. 😄

But seriously - we all have people in our lives who would be so much easier to deal with if we could just tweak a few things about them. In this episode, I'm sharing how I shifted my own perspective on this and giving you steps for thinking through your situation and deciding how you want to handle it. You've got options!

And remember: the only person you can truly change is yourself.

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Ep #15: From Overwhelm to Balance with Jennifer Heal

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in work and neglecting your own well-being? Our guest (and former coaching client!) Jennifer Heal, a social media and digital marketing consultant, has been through it too. We had an amazing conversation with Jennifer, who, through coaching, learned how to overcome overwhelm, find balance, and prioritize self-care.

Listen in as she discusses her transformation and the steps she took to make meaningful changes in her life.

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Ep #14: Bonus Episode: Two Kids and a Career Podcast

When my friend Jill Devine from the Two Kids and a Career podcast reached out to me with a thought on changing ourselves versus changing others, I just knew we had to dive into this topic together! In this heart-to-heart conversation, we share our own experiences and the lessons we've learned on the journey to personal growth, including my time living in my sister's guest house during the pandemic and the inspiration behind starting The Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast. Our mission? To help fellow working moms find the tools and strategies to not feel overwhelmed in their daily lives.

In this episode, we explore the challenges of overcoming people-pleasing tendencies and empathetic overload, as well as the importance of taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. From the difficulty of saying no to the potential positive outcomes from setting boundaries, we offer tips for managing the urge to take on other people's feelings and how to stay true to our authentic selves. Join us as we navigate the complexities of personal growth in this insightful and supportive conversation that's sure to leave you feeling empowered and ready to face life's challenges head-on.

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Ep #13: Habits to Create a Calm Life

Overwhelm is kind of like having a cavity. There's something you can do about it after you get one - go to the dentist and have it filled. But there's also things you can do before to prevent every getting a cavity at all. It's the same with overwhelm - there are things you can do after it happens, and there are also ways to (mostly) overwhelm-proof your life.

In today's episode I'll share 3 areas to focus on to help prevent overwhelm, and share strategies for incorporating these tips into your life without adding to your stress.

Tune in, then try out a tip or two and let me know how it goes!

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Ep #12: How to Enjoy Your Vacation Twice as Much

It's officially summer, which means it's vacation season.

Vacations are supposed to be so fun, and yet sometimes they wind up feeling more stressful than just staying home. It doesn't have to be that way!

Want to double your vacation enjoyment this year? This week's episode is all about boosting your holiday happiness.

Join me as we discuss how to adjust your expectations, be more present during your vacation, and have a smoother transition back to the real world. Tune in and get ready to have your best vacation yet!

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TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #11: The Power of a To-Don't List

This week's episode is all about the power of a to-don't list and how it can help you simplify your life.

Join me as we dive into my own to-don't list, from refusing to wear uncomfortable clothes to setting work-life boundaries. I'll share stories about my Grandma Gauthier and her clear refusal to do any yard work or pump her own gas.

I’ll also encourage you to create your own to-don't list, and tell you exactly how. Tune in, and let's take control of our lives together by embracing the power of a to-don't list!

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Ep #10: From "Just Fine" to a Truly Fulfilling Life with Kari Kaiser

Before coaching, Kari's life was "just fine".  She was recently divorced and learning to be the sole breadwinner and single mom. She worried about money, which impacted every decision she made.

Thankfully, Kari decided "just fine" wasn't enough for her. She wanted to have "an amazing second half of life".

Kari learned to balance structure with creativity, and increased the profits of her graphic design business by 50%. She improved the relationships in her life when she stopped people pleasing. She learned to trust the universe, and choose optimism at every turn.

Don't miss this heartwarming conversation that demonstrates the transformative power of coaching and the possibility of creating not just a thriving career, but a truly fulfilling life.

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Ep #09: Stop Caring What Other People Think

“Just stop caring what other people think!”

We’ve all heard that one. It’s a lot easier said than done, and that's why I'm here to help. I'll explain why we care so much about others' opinions and provide practical strategies to evaluate and overcome this tendency.

I also share a personal story about how I let my fear of failure and concern about others' judgment held me back from something I actually wanted to do.

Do you often catch yourself worrying about what others think? Whether it's in social settings or at work, it's time to break free from this cycle.

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Ep #08: Clear the Clutter

If your home is cluttered, chances are your mind is, too. In today’s episode, I will teach you the simple steps for decluttering any space.

I’ll also cover the reasons why you shouldn’t keep clothes that don’t fit you, or hold on to items you no longer want but spent a lot of money on. I’ll help you lovingly let go of your great aunt’s table cloth that you never liked in the first place.

Join me and start letting go of what you DON’T want to create space and freedom in your home and your life.

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Ep #07: From Stuck to Happy with Lauren Rapaport

This week we have a guest on the podcast. I invited my friend and client Lauren Rapaport to join me because she is a shining example of how you can take your life from stuck, overwhelmed, and miserable to “the world is my oyster and I can have and create anything I want.”

In this episode, Lauren will tell you exactly how and what she did to create her new, happy life.

Sneak preview: she quit the job she hated and started a new business. She quit drinking and started feeling her feelings. She quit being in “victim mentality” and stopped beating herself up. She accepted her type 1 diabetes instead of hating it. She started loving life and having gratitude for everything.

To quote Lauren, “I am just 100% happier than I was before”.

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Ep #06: The Art of Saying No

If you’ve ever said or thought:

💭I just don’t know how to say no 

💭I feel so guilty when I say no

💭She will be mad at me if I say no 

💭If I don’t do it, no one else will

. . . this week’s episode is for you! 

I’ll teach you the exact steps for saying no, and explain why it’s hard to do sometimes. I’ll help you evaluate what your REAL answer is, and teach you how to communicate that concisely. By the end of the episode, you’ll know the exact steps to take to say “no” when you mean it.

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Ep #02: Control What You Can

This episode is all about what’s in your control - and what’s not! When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, taking the time to determine what you can control not only makes you feel better, but also gives you a “to do” list and a “to don’t” list.

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[Trailer] Welcome!

Welcome to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast with me, Michelle Gauthier. I’m a Life Coach, a single mom of 2, and a former overwhelmed working woman myself. 

Podcasts were my lifeline during some of my toughest times. They gave me inspiration, insights, and tools that helped me to stay calm and focused even when everything around me felt like it was falling apart.

That's why I created Overwhelmed Working Woman. I want to help you feel less overwhelmed, less stressed and more calm by sharing coaching, tips, and strategies that I use with my clients. No matter how busy or overwhelming your life feels, you can feel better if you implement what I teach in each episode. 

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Michelle Gauthier