Posts in Quick Tips
How A Clutter Free Space Affects Kids

Bobbie is a wife and mom of 2 boys, ages 7 and 10. She is in the process of starting her own business. She made a conscious and financially difficult decision to leave her corporate job because it all felt like too much. Bobbie felt she couldn't be present with her family because she was overwhelmed with work. Everyone in her family was running at a frantic pace and she just had to make a huge change to make it stop . . .

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Life Isn't Perfect, but Your Nails Can Be

Today I had one of those days where I was going, going, going . . . all day long. I am putting the finishing touches on an online class I'm offering starting in August (click here if you want to be notified when the sign up opens!) and recording a video for the intro. I had the pleasure of chatting with clients, and taking my kids to the library*. I wrapped up the day with meeting a friend for dinner, cleaning up after my puppy for the 18th time today, and folding laundry.

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Tips for a better to do list

At the end of the day, do you ever look at your to do list and feel like a big ol' failure? I did! Even though I was working hard at everything all day, the to do list was never ever DONE. If you start the day by making an exhaustive list of to dos that never get checked off, you are likely setting yourself up for failure . . .

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