Ep #36: Stop Over-Apologizing

Have you ever caught yourself uttering a quick "I'm sorry" even when there's nothing for you to apologize for? Have you ever wondered why we do that?

Apologies are important when we've actually made a mistake or hurt someone's feelings, but far too often, women apologize for things like asking a question or shopping for shampoo at the same time as someone else. Let's stop over-apologizing and just say what we mean!

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Ep #35: How to *Enjoy* the Holidays

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday season? I've got you covered.

I have three tips for you that I promise will make your holiday season more about joy and less about stress: focus on the top, drop the bottom, and curate the middle.

This strategy will save you precious time and energy that you can redirect towards doing what you actually *want* to do - whatever that top priority is for you.

Tune in and have yourself a merry little Christmas!

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Ep #34: Dad Talk with a Pro with Tommy Geary

Today on the podcast we’re talking about Dads. (Yep, you read that right! 🤣)

I invited my friend and fellow coach Tommy Geary (who coaches overwhelmed and stressed out Dads) to be a guest expert today in an effort to help us understand the unique pressures that men face.

We dig into the challenges faced by fathers and the importance of their self care. Tommy explains the pressure men feel to be good providers and fathers simultaneously, the impact of that pressure on their mental health, and ways to navigate the journey of fatherhood successfully. 

By seeking support, managing anger, and finding balance, dads can embrace the joys of fatherhood while nurturing their own well-being. 

ALSO! Tommy and I had an in depth conversation about adoption (we each have 2 adopted children) which will come out later this month in support of National Adoption Month. 💗

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Ep #33: The Stress (& Joy) of Thanksgiving

Welcome to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast: Thanksgiving edition. 🦃

The holidays can be fun, but they can also add stress to our already stressful lives. Fear not - there are some simple and effective things you can do to lower the stress. From re-framing how you talk about your plans to getting really clear on what you actually want to do, you can feel more empowered and less exasperated.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Tips, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #32: How to Stop Wasting Time with Vikki Louise

Ever feel like time is slipping through your fingers, no matter how many calendars, to-do lists, and productivity apps you use? My guest today has been there. Vikki Louise is a time management expert who used to be overworked and burnt out, but now owns a (very!) successful business while working just 15 hours a week. In our conversation, Vikki invites you to rethink your relationship with time and gives you tips for how to do it with gentleness and honesty.

And to top it all off, we discuss how time hacking can be crucial in navigating crises. Vicki is offering a special workshop on this very subject - a must-attend for anyone looking to gain control in these uncertain times.

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Ep #31: Rules for Working Women (& Why We Should Break Them)

Working women like us face a set of unwritten rules. We are expected not just to "do it all" but to make it look easy, too.

When we can't meet these (ridiculous!) expectations, we end up feeling badly about ourselves.

I often hear my clients say things like "everyone else can do this, why can't I", proving that each woman believes she is the only one who can't "do it all".

With the help from Brene Brown's research, and an unexpected lesson from a Barbie movie, we will talk through these societal rules and pressures. We'll shine a light on these expectations and talk about how they can affect how we see ourselves.

But don't worry, it's not all bad news! In the second part of our journey, we'll focus on how to overcome these challenges. I'll share my own experiences with these hard standards, including the times when I felt bad about myself and alone because I couldn't meet them.

We'll discuss the power of telling our own truths and how connecting with others and having meaningful conversations can help us change the story for working women everywhere. Let's be bold, be brave, and start making a difference.

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Ep #30: The Invisible Workload of Women

Have you ever been tired, but unable to figure out why? It might be the invisible work that you’ve been doing – anticipating, identifying, deciding, and monitoring all the things.

This unseen mental labor consumes a ton of time and mental energy, and, as always, the first step to making an improvement is to notice what’s happening. Join me as we talk through the invisible workload of women and what we can do to share the load a bit. And hey – give yourself some kudos for all of that work you do!

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OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #29: Better Self-Talk

We can't control our thoughts, so we're just stuck with them, right? Wrong.

It's true that we don't choose or control what thoughts pop into our heads, but we can decide how we respond. I've got a simple but powerful tool that will help you replace the gloom-and-doom voice in your head with a more positive one. You'll learn to catch your negative thoughts, inspect them non-judgmentally, and swap them out for better self-talk.

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Ep #28: From Imbalance to Alignment with Shannon O'Toole

Shannon O'Toole's journey is a testament to the power of aligning personal values with professional ambitions. We all have values - the ideas or beliefs that motivate us to act in certain ways. Living in alignment with our values requires a lot of reflection and intentionality, but doing so helps guide us through setbacks and decision-making and ultimately helps us live a life we're proud of.

Shannon turned an unexpected job loss into her dream career by following her intuition and living out her values. Her story is so encouraging and inspiring!

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Ep #27: Conquering Problem-Solving: Get Un-Stuck

We all have problems. Some are big, some are small, and some are in the middle. If you've ever struggled with how to solve a problem, you know that it can feel paralyzing, but it doesn't have to! I have an awesome tool that will help you solve any problem without resorting to Band-Aids or buffers.

So if you're ready to get un-stuck and tackle some of the problems in your life, let's go!

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TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #26: Are You in Victim Mentality?

Ever feel like all the bad things that happen to you are completely out of your control? Are you caught between the overwhelming urge to please others and a simmering resentment that they demand so much of you? Is everything always everyone else's fault?

If those questions rang true, you might be stuck in victim mentality, which can be draining and debilitating. But here's the good news - it's a learned behavior, which means it can be unlearned. I can help you embrace a more empowering perspective on life - let's get started!

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Ep #25: Bonus Episode: Mindfulness Mode Podcast

Ever found yourself in a whirlwind of chaos, only to realize you're the one stirring the storm?

It can be hard to accept that we're the ones creating our own chaos (it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me) but once we do, we can make different and better choices. I've got an easy but powerful tool to help you discover how you're getting in your own way, why you're doing it, and how to stop.

Join me as we get honest with ourselves!

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Bonus EpisodeMichelle Gauthier
Ep #24: The Five Whys

Ever found yourself in a whirlwind of chaos, only to realize you're the one stirring the storm?

It can be hard to accept that we're the ones creating our own chaos (it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me) but once we do, we can make different and better choices. I've got an easy but powerful tool to help you discover how you're getting in your own way, why you're doing it, and how to stop.

Join me as we get honest with ourselves!

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Change, Overwhelm, TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #23: Embracing Radical Responsibility

When things don't go your way, how do you respond? Today we're rolling up our sleeves to tackle an ambitious concept - radical responsibility. Discover how to own what's truly within your control and let go of what isn't. In doing so, you'll be well on your way to being the boss of your own life.

Are you ready to take radical responsibility and create a calmer, happier life? Let's get started!

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Tips, Change, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #22: From Out of Balance to Following the Fun with John Auble

Ever felt overwhelmed by your career and wondered if there was another way? Our guest today, John Auble, is living proof that it's possible. Once an engineer drowned in the corporate hustle, John took a leap of faith, left his demanding career and carved out his own entrepreneurial path. 

John didn't simply swap a corporate job for his own business - he completely redesigned his life and went from a life of stress and imbalance to one of fulfillment and harmony. We talk about taking risks, moving past limiting beliefs, and remembering your reason why.

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Ep #21: The Downside of Being a Capable Woman

Ever found yourself buried under a mountain of responsibility simply because you're highly capable? 

Being capable is great, and in so many ways it serves us well. But when we want/need to always be the problem solver,  it can lead to overwhelm, stress, and resentment. Together, we'll explore how you can still be the powerful, capable woman you are, without succumbing to the pitfalls of doing it all.

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Ep #20: Mind the Gap: Setting Realistic Expectations

A big source of suffering in our lives is the gap between our expectations of a situation or a person and the reality of the situation or person - and the bigger the gap, the more the suffering.

The good news is that there is a way to protect yourself from some of that suffering before you even get into the situation or encounter the person. The key: setting realistic expectations.

Join me as we learn to adjust our expectations, allow for pleasant surprises, and side-step some serious stress - even at the DMV.

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TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #19: The Power of Routines

Routines get a bad rap because they're associated with boredom, but if you use them effectively, the results are anything but boring. I've got some great easy-to-implement routine ideas in this episode that just might transform your life.

Some routines (like my Fresh Start Morning Routine) help you be more intentional and present. Other routines (like planning meals) can free up your brain so you can do all sorts of awesome things that otherwise you might not have had the emotional bandwidth for.
Join me as we embrace routines! 

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Ep #18: From Overwhelmed to Fulfilled with Tara Perman

My guest today is my friend and former client Tara Perman. When we started coaching, Tara was feeling uninspired with her successful career of 23 years.

She was the primary parent in her household and COVID had taken its toll - she was frustrated with trying to manage everything. She knew she wanted to change careers, but was afraid to take the plunge.

The first thing we worked on was the idea that the fear of change was real and would always be there. Tara learned to move forward with her business while feeling the fear instead of waiting for it to go away. She stuck with her plan to become a career coach, even when it felt hard.

Things changed at home, too. She put in her notice before a family vacation, much earlier than she had previously planned. She fully enjoyed vacation with her family for the first time. She decided to spend the whole summer with her kids, without the stress of working, for the first time.

She marketed her new business even when it felt scary. When she felt stuck, she would just take one tiny step in the direction of her new life.

She now has a successful coaching business and just took a month-long vacation to Europe with her husband and kids for the second summer in a row. 

Tune in and listen to Tara’s full story!

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Ep #17: How to Feel Your Feelings (& Why You Should)

Let's talk about our feelings!

If that makes you want to run away, I get it. I used to not want to talk about or feel my feelings either. But not feeling our feelings cuts us off from information about our lives, makes it hard to connect with others, and ultimately robs us of joy.

In this episode we'll talk about why we should feel our feelings, and how to do that if it doesn't come naturally to you. I have some great tools for you that will help you navigate and deal with your emotions more effectively. 

Our emotions, if we're paying attention, can offer us a wealth of insights. Come along with me on this enlightening journey!

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