Posts in Encouragement
Encourage, Encourage, Encourage

You know that situation where you hear of something for the first time, like a new restaurant or someone's name or even a word you've never heard - and then you hear about it or see it everywhere? For some reason, once it's been drawn to your attention, it shows up all over the place?

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Need a getaway?

This summer, based on some inspiration from my friend and fellow Life Coach Colleen O’Connor, I took a trip all by myself. It was an amazing experience! I asked Colleen to write a guest post today about solo travel for women in hopes she can inspire you, too. Thanks, Colleen, for sharing with us today!

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Shame on us?

Shame: the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging – something we’ve experienced, done, or failed to do makes us unworthy of connection. - Brene Brown, Daring Greatly

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Heartbreak, and the Gifts that Follow

For years, we struggled to have a baby. We spent more money than I can count. I felt left out of the "mom club" and felt I was the only one who couldn't get pregnant. This made me want to skip parties and other social events where all of the women had kids. They didn't know what to talk to me about, and vice versa. They'd ask "how's work?" and I'd say good and then it was back to discussing diaper brands and sleep routines. My friends were not unkind, in fact they were super supportive and encouraging, it was more that I felt I didn't fit in.

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